We make a LOT of pizzas here at Pizza Rita, and we never ever think of any of them as "Just another pizza."
The pizza could be for a young family that has scrimped and saved for their once-a-month splurge and they chose to spend their hard earned money with us.
The pizza could be for someone visiting from out of town that has been thinking about pizza all day long while traveling to Spokane.
The pizza could be for the working man stopping for slices, who's been eating Pizza Rita twice weekly for 25 years and knows exactly how it should taste.
The pizza could be for someone who's been gone many years and has missed our perfect combination of fluffy dough, delicious sauce, and generous toppings.
The pizza could be for the hospital patient that has been on a restricted diet and chose us for their first serving of real food.
The pizza could be for someone trying us for the very first time.
Dough boy’s got rolls!
#handtosseddough #panpizza #pizzaritaspokane #spokanepizza #spokanewa #spokanewashington #spokanedelivery #supportlocalspokane #spokansown #spokanesbest #spokanestyle
We challenge you to a jumping jacks competition! How many can you do in a row?
Let us know in the comments!
#pizzaritapizza #spokanepizza #pizzaritaspokane #spokanewa #spokaneeats #spokanesown #spokanesbest #spokanestyle #spokanerestaurant #supportlocalspokane #spokanelocal #jumpingjackcompetition
Ever get so hungry you could just eat a horse... or a person? Call us. Let us help you out.
Or just come on in for our 2 slice and a drink special, for 4.99. 🍕🍕 🥤
#🍕🍕🥤 #Pizzaritaspokane #spokanelunchdeal #spokanelunch #spokanewa #spokanepizza
This guy’s ready for the Five Pound Challenge. Are you?? Sign up today at pizzarita.net 🍕
#fivepoundchallenge #foodchallenge #fivepounder #figepoundpizza #pizzarita #pizzaritaspokane #pizzaritaspokanesownspokanesbest #spokanewa #spokane #spokanesown #spokanesbest #bestofspokane #spokanelocal #shoplocalspokane #spokanepizza
Sick of leftovers yet?? Give us a call. We’d love to get you a different kind of pie!
Delivery special: medium 1-top 9.99; large 1-top 13.99
We also WELCOME competitors’ coupons and specials, so Pizza Rita is GUARANTEED to have the best deal! Call us today ☎️ 🍕
Y’all ever wonder why our Wall Street location is so big? 😂
Stop by to pick up some pizza today! Medium 1-top just 6.99 or 9.99 for a large!
Mmmm.... Pizzzaaaaaaa 😋 Pick up a 1-topping pizza for just 6.99 (medium) or 9.99 (large), and get two free pops!
Pizza Rita will get you your pizza, even if it means climbing a tree! #spokanedelivery #spokanepizza #pizzarotadelivery #spokanewa #spokanerestaurant #spokaneeats
This is your last day to come down to the @interstatefair ! Be there or be square*
*Squares are welcome to order for pick up or delivery from any of our Spokane locations :)
#spokanefair #spokaneinterstatefair #spokanecounty #spokanecountyinterstatefair #spokanefairgrounds #spokanewa #spokanewashington #spokaneeats #spokanedoesntsuck #spokanepizza #pizzarita #pizzaritaspokane
Only two more days to come see us at the @interstatefair ! Our pizzas are baked on site!
#spokaneinterstatefair #spokanefair #spokaneevents #pizzarita #spokanepizza #spokanewa #spokanewashington #spokane #spokanedoesntsuck #freshhotpizza #spokanesown #spokanesbest #bestofspokane