I wanted to share a few stories about our owner + my father in law, Dave Sevier. This is for no other reason than to thank Dave for bein’ Dave. If you know, you are lucky to know. 🤍
✨When I told my Grammie in 2007 that the cute boy I liked parent’s owned the Old European, she about fell on the floor. How could I have known she already had a long developed friendship w/ my future father in law from her frequent bar top meal of tomato basil soup? She told me that day, “Oh.. if only I had got to him first.” 🤣 It was a universal statement for both father + son!
✨My best friend + my sister in law both worked at Old European a cumulative decade plus as servers. They tell the same stories of the boss that they could go to no matter what, and who ALWAYS put their needs above profit. My sister in law frequently tells the story of Dave not so nonchalantly escorting guests out the door with a, “Don’t come back!” after their unpleasant interaction + bad attitude towards her. In his words, “No one messes with my girls.”
✨In 2018, we got the news that Dave, now Papa, had cancer. This began a long fight back to health + healing. The outpouring of support for Dave from the Old E + Little Euro family was unmatched… This eventually lead to his current role— mostly retired wood workin’, shop dwellin’, papa to four (+ soon to be six!—You heard the news right?!)
✨With the remodel + opening of the third location this summer, Papa (as his identity is now found) had a task at hand— Create a duplicate cutting board wall like the Pinterest finds I had seen. He delivered + then some, handcrafting all these boards in the shop.
Each of these boards have a stamp on the back— “Handcrafted by David Sevier”. That got me thinking:
These restaurants were molded + shaped by him. What an honor it is to see both he and Tami (Gram + Mom) get to continue to play the role they do in the lives of those who have the privilege to work with them + for them.
Papa, Dave, Dad— Thank you for bein’ you. We love you! 🤍🤍