This sat and sun, located at the Frisco Fresh Market Sat 11-4, sun 12-4(or sold out). We will be having Oxtails, fried ChickN, Fried Fysh, Smothered ChickN, Candied Yams, Black Eyed peas, Cornbread Dressing, collard greems and Southern Style Cabbage
Vegan Soul Food Flava! See pinned post for menu
Weekend menu, now serving Breakfast 🌱💚
We are open today until 9pm located at 7511 main st Frisco Tx inside of Cibo kitchen see previous post for menu
Today is the day!! Check post to see full menu @followers
Join us this weekend on Saturday and Sunday at the @friscofreshmkt from 10 am to 2 pm on Saturday and 11 am to 3 pm on Sunday. 📢 Just a heads up, my booth has relocated! You can now find me across from the Pastrami stop and the cookout kitchen, on the opposite end from where I used to be.
Located in Frisco Tx, down the street from the Frisco Fresh Market this will be our new weekday home
Come and get you some flavor filled all Vegan BBQ for this Memorial Day weekend. See pinned post for full menu, can’t wait to feed cha 💚🌱 #DallasVeganFood #FriscoVeganFood
Visit our website and checkout our meals we have available for meal prep this week. Lets us take some stress out of your week by allowing us to prep your meals 💚 @everyone @followers
This weekend at the Frisco Fresh Market 11-4pm, sat-sun. Door dash will be available. Hope to see ya there #Vegan #vegansoulfood #FriscoVeganFood 💚🌱 @followers