This was not the post we thought we would have to write, but we always try to do right by our patrons and customers first and foremost to give you the full story.
As you may know, in early June of this year, we decided to do a pause in our retail operations to realign with economic expectations and streamline processes. This resulted in the suspension of service of each of our Albany cafes, located at State Street, Slip 12, and Madison Avenue, respectively. In that time, we have reopened State Street and Slip 12 - both have reopened with strong returns - with the intention of reopening the Pine Hills location in time for the Upper Madison Street Fair (along with beer, wine, cider, and mead on-site).
Our Pine Hills location, during this time, had been used for our events team to set up for the variety of markets and festivals we go to. The location, which opened in June 2023, has witnessed the closure of CVS, the Madison Theater, and the College of St. Rose - all within this year. As we made note in December of last year, we had intended to weather the "storm" for the sake of the neighborhood.
However, despite the best intended plans, this was not meant to be unfortunately.
Late last month, we vacated 1034 Madison Avenue per an immediate vacate request from the building's longtime owner in order to lease the space to another establishment.
For context on their ability to require us to vacate the premises immediately: back in November, just prior to the College of St. Rose closure announcement, we renegotiated our original three-year lease with the landlord to a month-to-month lease which reduced the lease rate, but with the stipulation that they would continue to market the space and should they find a new lessee, we would need to surrender premises. It was also our hope that a new property owner would provide a much-needed boost to the theater complex, including reopening the theater. That hope still seems to be too far off into the future.
Although this is not the news we wanted to share, we wanted to give you the full story to dispel any misinformation - given the location has been home to too many coffee shops and cafes to count. We look forward to being back in the Pine Hills neighborhood for the Upper Madison Street Fair and will continue to explore new opportunities as they may arise. And as always, you can get a great cup of coffee or espresso from our State Street location, or coffee or a cocktail at Slip 12.