Aina yhtä ihanaa kuulla, että onnistuimme, kiitos! 🙏
Meille on tärkeintä, että jokainen vieraamme voi luonamme nauttia, rentoutua ja viihtyä – ja lähteä astetta onnellisempana kotiin. Ravintolasaleistamme kuuluva ilo ja nauru on mitä parhainta palautetta, mutta on toki ihanaa saada sitä myös sanallisesti.
Joko olet käynyt luonamme?
Olon ovet aukeavat 20.5. klo 16!
Tervetuloa nauttimaan! Avaamme ovemme rajoitetusti torstaina 20.5.21. klo 16 alkaen.
Kevätmenumme hemmottelee nautiskelijoitaan muun muassa grillatulla kuningasravulla, makrillilla ja hanhenmaksalla olomaiseen tyyliin valmistettuina. Makeista makuelämyksistä mainittakoon hapanjuurivohvelit hunajan sekä varhaisporkkanasta ja mesiangervosta valmistetun jäätelön kera. 👌
Tällä hetkellä viimeinen pöytävarausaika on kello 17.30, mutta päivitämme varausaikoja sitä mukaa, kun saamme uutta tietoa ravintoloiden aukiolorajoituksista. Huomioimme luonnollisesti koronarajoitukset palvelussamme. Lämpimästi tervetuloa, ihana nähdä teitä taas!
Tutustu menuumme ja varaa pöytä verkkosivuiltamme:
Jari Vesivalo, Creative Leader and Restaurateur of Restaurant Olo
Last weekend was the launch of Jari's menu at Restaurant Ikarus, in Austria. It was a blast!
At Ikarus they described Jari's food as hypercreative finnish mini-masterpieces. His menu is served at Ikarus for the entire month of June, Jari being the Guest Chef of the month.
This is the trailer of the beautiful documentary Ikarus made in co-operation with DMG film from our Jari.
The document will be published soon, stay tuned.
Sommelier Angel Layos
Some of you may already know how unique our Champagne is. The ones who don't, follow along. We will tell you the story behind it.
The Delamotte estate was founded in Reims in 1760 by vineyard owner François Delamotte. It is the fifth-oldest Champagne house in this region. Though Delamotte is a fairly small producer, it is a historical wine house in the Laurent-Perrier group.
The Delamotte Champagne is 55% Chardonnay, 35 % Pinot Noir and 10% Pinot Meunier. Its grapes are sourced from vineyards in the Côte des Blancs region of Champagne. Delamotte vineyards enjoy grand cru status, common to the very best Champagnes in the world.
The founding principles of the House of Delamotte is "Champagne is first and foremost a wine to be enjoyed and appreciated for its quality and authenticity. The wine should be – from the very start – subtle, profound, rich with the aromas and flavors which ultimately create outstanding Champagne."
We serve this Champagne exclusively in Finland.
In our Sommelier's words "In a way it is one of the most exclusive houses of Champagne."
Reserve a table to enjoy this wonderful Champagne with our amazing menu. We would love to see you here.
Creative kitchen by Olo
Creative Kitchen is back in service next week!
Secure your seat to this unique dinner experience by calling +358 (0)10 320 6250 or send us an e-mail to [email protected].
Our Chefs are waiting for you!
Olo Creative Kitchen, The Journey
When you want your dinner to be an unforgettable and unique experience then reserve a table in our Creative Kitchen.
Our intimate Creative Kitchen seats 24 guests.
The Creative Kitchen's classic menu, The Journey, has been awarded as the Best Food Tourism Product 2017 by Hungry for Finland.
You can reserve a table for Fridays or Saturdays between 19:00 and 20:00 by calling (+358) 010 3206250 or via e-mail [email protected].
”I hope that people come to us and enjoy themselves. It doesn’t really matter how you hold the fork. Overall experience is what makes the difference."
- Jari Vesivalo, creative leader & restaurateur in Olo
We take great pride and put a huge effort into every portion, every wine, every service.
Our sommelier Angel is one of a kind, a talent like no other. The knowledge he has about wines is overwhelming. We are lucky to have him in Olo 🍷
Ruokamatkailutuote 2017
Kun haluat illalisestanne unohtumattoman kokemuksen, ainutlaatuisen elämyksen - tee varauksesi Creative kitcheniin.
Creative kitchenin intiimissä salissa on asiakaspaikkoja enimmillään 24:lle.
Olo Creative Kitchenin klassikkomenu Matka on valittu Suomen parhaaksi ruokamatkailutuotteeksi 2017, Hungry for Finlandin toimesta.
Pöydän voit varata perjantai tai lauantai-illaksi, klo: 19.00 ja 20.00 välillä, joko soittamalla (+358) 010 3206250 tai sähköpostitse [email protected].
Päivä Lindrothin puutarhassa
Lindrothin puutarhasta toimitetaan meille yrttejä, salaatteja ja juureksia heti poiminnan jälkeen. Tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että raaka-aineiden tuoreus ja erinomainen maku ovat taattuja.
Keittiömestarimme Anssi Riihimäki ja luova johtajamme Jari Vesivalo vierailivat hiljattain Lindrothin puutarhalla. Mukana oli keittiömestareita koko Olo Groupista. Kiitos Liisa ja Hannu Lindroth, sekä koko DeliVerden porukka! 🌱🌱
Tunnustus Johanille, joka erityisesti edustaa tulevaisuuden lupausta 👍
Johan kertoo valmistautumisestaan lokakuun kisoihin.
Restaurant OlO
We're serving LUNCH again from Tuesday to Friday.
Lunch reservations (between 11:30 and 13:30) can be made through our website or by calling us at +358(0) 10 320 6250.
Creative Kitchen
We've got something unique for you!
Creative Kitchen brings top chefs and food enthusiasts together in a space where mind blowing dishes are prepared and enjoyed throughout the evening. Our new kitchen concept allows you to watch and learn while our amazing chefs prepare your long tasting menu in front of your eyes. Bring your partner or a big group of friends. An unforgettable evening is guaranteed!
Give us a call and we'll tell you more about it: +358 (0)10 320 6250.