When we all fall asleep, where do we go? #getnakedaf #getnaked #luckyaf #luckyafrva #getlucky #getluckyaf #getluckyafrva #wannagetlucky #tattooedgirls #nyotaimori #sushi #sush*time #sushiporn #rva #rvadine #richmond #804 #scottsaddition #billieeilish #whatdoyouknow #buryafriend #bodyart #makemoreart
The practice of Nyotaimori can be traced back to Japan’s Edo period. While there is not a ton written about the practice, and many misconceptions, we believe that the human body is a work of art, and sushi is as well. #getnakedaf #getnaked #luckyaf #luckyafrva #getlucky #getluckyaf #getluckyafrva #wannagetlucky #tattooedgirls #nyotaimori #sushi #sush*time #sushiporn #rva #rvadine #richmond #804 #scottsadditionbeveragedistrict
This Saturday! Celebrating our 1 year anniversary from 2-6 in the parking lot!
We'll have @viragospirits and @belleisleshine hanging out with us all afternoon, plus a dunk tank to dunk the EAT Directors! Come out, enjoy the good vibes and celebrate with us!
#oneyearanniversary #saturday #dunktank #party
We call it FAT DRAGON but its more like PHAT DRAGON 🐲🐲
We're working on getting them back up and running. Sorry for the inconvenience!
🌺 Happy Tuesday! 🌺
What a great day to sit on the patio! Come out for lunch today and enjoy this weather while we've got it! Happy Hour starts at 2:30 and runs til 6, and we have some awesome lunch specials as well! We'll see you soon!
#patio #tuesday #patiovibes #perfectweather #outside
🚪 Come on in y'all! Lunch is ready! 🚪
Happy Monday! We're geared up and ready for another beautiful week in June! Lunch til 2:30 today. Happy hour til 6:00!
#mondaymotivation #mondaze #monday #letsgetit
🗣We are hiring! 🗣
The bars are opening back up, and that means there will be more seats to fill soon! We need people to serve those guests! Hiring for all Front of House positions! Email [email protected] or drop off your resume at the restaurant! We can't wait for you to join the team!
#nowhiring #hiring #serviceindustry
🎁 What's in the Box!? The Unagi Don! 🎁
Served hot and fresh with fried rice, pickled veggies and sesame seeds, this is sure to be a hit with you! Come give it a try and see for yourself!
#unagi #unagidon #wednesday #humpday #happyhour #comegetlucky #patio #rva #rvaeats #scottaddition #richmond #richmondva #richmondvirginia #rvaeats #rvafood #richmondfood #richmondeats #scottsaddition #scottsadditionrva #scottsadditionfood #scottsadditionrestaurants #richmondsushi #sushi #rvasushi #rvadine #rvax #richmondexperience #richmonddine
We are waiting for you.... lunch till 2:30!
🥑 It's all in the details 🥑
Sushi is an art, and we firmly believe in making it beautiful from start to finish! Come cure the mid week hump with some sushi sliced up by the pros!
#happyhour #comegetlucky #patio #rva #rvaeats #scottaddition #richmond #richmondva #richmondvirginia #rvaeats #rvafood #richmondfood #richmondeats #scottsaddition #scottsadditionrva #scottsadditionfood #scottsadditionrestaurants #richmondsushi #sushi #rvasushi #rvadine #rvax #richmondexperience #richmonddine #wednesday #humpday #avocado #alittleextra #art #foodporn #sushiart
✌ Happy Monday! ✌
We've got those good ole 90's and 2000's hip hop jams bumping and sushi rolling all day long! Come reminisce on a simpler time and get your week started off right! And don't forget, it's industry night so we've got 15% off for all you hard working folks enjoying your "weekend" today!
#industrynight #oldschool #hiphop #serviceindustry #weekend #monday #industryweekend #happyhour #comegetlucky #patio #rva #rvaeats #scottaddition #richmond #richmondva #richmondvirginia #rvaeats #rvafood #richmondfood #richmondeats #scottsaddition #scottsadditionrva #scottsadditionfood #scottsadditionrestaurants #richmondsushi #sushi #rvasushi #rvadine #rvax #richmondexperience #richmonddine